Thursday, July 8, 2010

Prep Work

Preparation builds the excitement. Loss of physical possession encourages the reality. It is now in existence. The challenge lures us on......

Scotty has put in his notice at work for July 31. I have one more trip to Pittsburgh, then I will put in my two weeks. Well, actually, with a change in management, the cat is way out of the bag. Which is fine.

Scotty has been fantasizing about a long tour since the last one he was on. New Mexico to Georgia, a few years back. He has done this before. He is ready.(as noted in the photo) Me on the other hand. I have no idea what I am getting my self into. We have done a few overnighter's. 200-250 miles. Nothing crazy. This is the time to do it. We are not getting any younger......
We have discussed the possibility of a trip like this for a couple of years. We have both been ready to make a big change. Feeling a little stuck in our situations. I quit my "real job" almost a year ago. This set me free. Leaving me with less responsibility. Making it easier to flee Denver.
Scotty has hated his job since we met. I have often consoled him with the idea of this trip. To hang in there. It will pay off. This is now. Well, soon.

Here is an
example of our inspiration. I made this card to cheer up Scotty. It reads " Keep your eye on the carrot, Jackass! I love you and want you to follow this one through. It wont be easy, but lets make it work the best we can"